
There are many different connected devices in the world today & each works just a little different from the next. Every company has their own APIs, device schemas, etc. What capabilities provide is a way to break down all of these unique devices into some common core functions. Consider, the Switch capability. It's our most popular capability as its sole purpose is to turn something on or off. To control something with the Switch capability, you simply set the Switch attribute to either On or Off. Doesn't matter who manufactured the product or what kind of API it is using. This allows you to design universal page templates that can work with any device you throw at it.


Acceleration Sensor

The AccelerationSensor capability allows for acceleration detection.

AttributesTypePossible Values
AccelerationEnumActive, Inactive

Air Quality Sensor

The AirQualitySensor capability gets the air quality number.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values


The Alarm capability allows for interacting with devices that serve as alarms.

AttributesTypePossible Values
AlarmEnumBoth, Off, Siren, Strobe

Audio Bass

The AudioBass capability allows for the control of audio bass.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
BassFloatdB-10.0 - 10.0

Audio Mute

The AudioMute capability allows for the control of audio mute.

AttributesTypePossible Values
MuteEnumMuted, Unmuted

Audio Sound Mode

The AudioSoundMode capability allows for the control of audio sound mode.

AttributesTypePossible Values

Audio Track Data

The AudioTrackData capability gets the value of the audio track data.

AttributesTypePossible Values
AudioTrackData.DurationTime0:00 - 24:00:00

Audio Treble

The AudioTreble capability allows for the control of audio treble.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
TrebleFloatdB-10.0 - 10.0

Audio Volume

The AudioVolume capability allows for the control of audio volume using a percentage scale.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values

Audio Volume Decibel

The AudioVolumeDecibel capability allows for the control of audio volume using a decibel scale.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
VolumeDecibelFloatdB-80.0 - 18.0


The Battery capability defines that the device has a battery.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values

Binary Sensor

The BinarySensor capability allows reading the value of a binary sensor device.

AttributesTypePossible Values
BinaryEnumOn, Off


The Button capability allows reading the state of a physical button.

AttributesTypePossible Values
ButtonEnumPushed, Standby

Carbon Dioxide Measurement

The CarbonDioxideMeasurement capability measures carbon dioxide levels.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values

Carbon Monoxide Detector

The CarbonMonoxideDetector capability measures carbon monoxide levels.

AttributesTypePossible Values
CarbonMonoxideEnumClear, Detected, Tested

Carbon Monoxide Measurement

The CarbonMonoxideMeasurement capability measures carbon monoxide levels.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values

Color Control

The ColorControl capability allows for control of a color changing device by setting its hue, saturation, and color values.

AttributesTypePossible Values
ColorStringHex color string

Color Temperature

The ColorTemperature capability allows for setting the color temperature attribute of a color changing device.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
ColorTemperatureIntegerK1 - 30000

Contact Sensor

The ContactSensor capability allows reading the value of a contact sensor device.

AttributesTypePossible Values
ContactEnumClosed, Open

Current Measurement

The CurrentMeasurement capability gets the value of current measured from devices that support it.


Dishwasher Mode

The DishwasherMode capability allows for the control of the dishwasher.

AttributesTypePossible Values
DishwasherModeEnumAuto, Quick, Rinse, Dry

Dishwasher Operating State

The DishwasherOperatingState capability allows for the control of the dishwasher operational state.

AttributesTypePossible Values
MachineStateEnumPause, Run, Stop
DishwasherJobStateEnumAirwash, Cooling, Drying, Finish, PreDrain, PreWash, Rinse, Spin, Unknown, Wash, WrinklePrevent

Door Control

The DoorControl capability allows for the control of a door.

AttributesTypePossible Values
DoorEnumClosed, Closing, Open, Opening, Unknown

Dryer Mode

The DryerMode capability allows for the control of the dryer.

AttributesTypePossible Values
DryerModeEnumRegular, LowHeat, HighHeat

Dryer Operating State

The DryerOperatingState capability allows for the control of the dryer operational state.

AttributesTypePossible Values
MachineStateEnumPause, Run, Stop
DryerJobStateEnumCooling, DelayWash, Drying, Finished, None, WeightSensing, WrinklePrevent

Energy Meter

The EnergyMeter capability reads the energy consumption of an energy metering device.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values

Fan Speed

The FanSpeed capability allows for the control of the fan speed.

AttributesTypePossible Values
FanSpeedEnumOff, Low, Medium, High

Generic Sensor

The GenericSensor capability allows reading the value of a generic sensor.

AttributesTypePossible Values


The Geolocation capability allows reading the geolocation of a tracking device.

AttributesTypePossible Values

Illuminance Measurement

The IlluminanceMeasurement capability gives the illuminance reading from devices that support it.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values


The Location capability allows reading the location of a tracking device.

AttributesTypePossible Values

Location Mode

The LocationMode capability allows for setting the mode of a location.

AttributesTypePossible Values
LocationModeEnumHome, Away, Night, Vacation, Day, Evening, Night


The Lock capability allows for the control of a lock device.

AttributesTypePossible Values
LockEnumLocked, Unlocked

Media Browser

The MediaBrowser capability allows for a browsing a media device's content.

AttributesTypePossible Values

Media Control

The MediaControl capability allows for the control of a media device.

AttributesTypePossible Values
MediaCommandEnumPowerOff, PowerOn, PowerToggle, Menu, List, Guide, Info, Option, Setup, Exit, VolumeUp, VolumeDown, Mute, DirectionUp, DirectionLeft, DirectionDown, DirectionRight, Select, Back, ChannelUp, ChannelDown, PrevChannel, Rewind, Play, Pause, FastForward, SkipBackward, SkipForward, Stop, Record, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Number1, Number2, Number3, Number4, Number5, Number6, Number7, Number8, Number9, Number0, Hyphen, NumberEnter, Return, RepeatAll, RepeatOff, RepeatOne, ShuffleOff, ShuffleOn, Home, ModeMovie, ModeMusic, ModeGame, ModePure, ModeDirect, ModeUp, ModeDown

Media Group

The MediaGroup capability allows for group control of a media device.

AttributesTypePossible Values

Media Input Source

The MediaInputSource capability allows for the control of the media input source.

AttributesTypePossible Values
InputSourceStringVaries by device.

Media Playback Repeat

The MediaPlaybackRepeat capability allows for the control of the media playback repeat.

AttributesTypePossible Values
PlaybackRepeatModeEnumAll, Off, One

Media Playback Shuffle

The MediaPlaybackShuffle capability allows for the control of media playback shuffle.

AttributesTypePossible Values
PlaybackShuffleEnumDisabled, Enabled

Media Playback

The MediaPlayback capability allows for the control of the media playback.

AttributesTypePossible Values
PlaybackStatusEnumPause, Play, Stop, FastForward, Rewind

Media Playback Time

The MediaPlaybackTime capability allows for the control of the media playback time/position.

AttributesTypePossible Values
PlaybackTimeTime0:00 - 24:00:00

Motion Sensor

The MotionSensor capability allows for the ability to read motion sensor device states.

AttributesTypePossible Values
MotionEnumActive, Inactive

Occupancy Sensor

The OccupancySensor capability gives the ability to see the current status of a occupancy sensor device.

AttributesTypePossible Values
OccupancyEnumOccupied, Unoccupied

Oven Mode

The OvenMode capability allows for the control of the oven mode.

AttributesTypePossible Values
OvenModeEnumHeating, Grill, Warming, Defrosting

Oven Operating State

The OvenOperatingState capability allows for the control of the oven operational state.

AttributesTypePossible Values
MachineStateEnumReady, Running, Paused
OvenJobStateEnumCleaning, Cooking, Cooling, Draining, Preheat, Ready, Rinsing
ProgressNumber0 - 100

Oven Setpoint

The OvenSetpoint capability allows for the control of the oven set point.

AttributesTypePossible Values
OvenSetpointNumber0 - 1000

Power Meter

The PowerMeter capability allows for reading the power consumption from devices that report it.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values

Power Source

The PowerSource capability gives the ability to determine the current power source of the device.

AttributesTypePossible Values
PowerSourceEnumBattery, DC, Mains

Precipitation Level Measurement

The PrecipitationLevelMeasurement capability allows for measuring the amount rain that has fallen for a given day.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values

Precipitation Rate Measurement

The PrecipitationRateMeasurement capability allows for measuring the rate in which rain is falling.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values

Presence Sensor

The PresenceSensor capability gives the ability to see the current status of a presence sensor device.

AttributesTypePossible Values
PresenceEnumNotPresent, Present

Pressure Measurement

The PressureMeasurement capability gets the pressure from a device that reports current pressure.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
PressureNumberhPa/mbar/inHg/psi0 - 10000

Relative Humidity Measurement

The RelativeHumidityMeasurement capability allows reading the relative humidity from devices that support it.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
HumidityNumber%0 - 100

Robot Cleaner Cleaning Mode

The RobotCleanerCleaningMode capability allows for the control of the robot cleaner cleaning mode.

AttributesTypePossible Values
RobotCleanerCleaningModeEnumAuto, Part, Repeat, Manual, Stop, Map

Robot Cleaner Movement

The RobotCleanerMovement capability allows for the control of the robot cleaner movement.

AttributesTypePossible Values
RobotCleanerMovementEnumHoming, Idle, Charging, Alarm, PowerOff, Reserve, Point, After, Cleaning, Pause

Robot Cleaner Power Mode

The RobotCleanerPowerMode capability allows for the control of the robot cleaner power mode.

AttributesTypePossible Values


The Scene capability allows for activating a scene on a device.

AttributesTypePossible Values

Security System

The SecuritySystem capability allows for control of a security system.

AttributesTypePossible Values
SecuritySystemStatusEnumArmedAway, ArmedHome, ArmedStay, ArmedNight, Disarmed, AllDisarmed

Signal Strength

The SignalStrength capability gives the ability to read the signal strength of Devices that support it.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
LqiInteger0 - 255
RssiNumberdBm-200 - 0

Smoke Detector

The SmokeDetector capability allows for smoke detection.

AttributesTypePossible Values
SmokeEnumClear, Detected, Tested

Sound Measurement

The SoundMeasurement capability allows for the ability to measure the sound level.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values

Sound Sensor

The SoundSensor capability allows for sound detection.

AttributesTypePossible Values
SoundEnumDetected, NotDetected

Switch Level

The SwitchLevel capability allows for the control of the level of a device like a light or a dimmer switch.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
LevelInteger%0 - 100


The Switch capability allows for a device to be turned on or off.

AttributesTypePossible Values
SwitchEnumOn, Off

Tamper Alert

The TamperAlert capability gets the value of the tamper alert.

AttributesTypePossible Values
TamperEnumClear, Detected

Temperature Alarm

The TemperatureAlarm capability gets the value of the temperature alarm.

AttributesTypePossible Values
TemperatureAlarmEnumCleared, Freeze, Heat, RateOfRise

Temperature Measurement

The TemperatureMeasurement capability gets the temperature from a Device that reports current temperature.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
TemperatureNumber°-460 - 10000

Thermostat Cooling Setpoint

The ThermostatCoolingSetpoint capability allows for setting the cooling setpoint on a thermostat.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
CoolingSetpointNumber°-460 - 10000

Thermostat Fan Mode

The ThermostatFanMode capability allows for setting the fan mode on a thermostat.

AttributesTypePossible Values
ThermostatFanModeEnumAuto, Circulate, FollowSchedule, On

Thermostat Heating Setpoint

The ThermostatHeatingSetpoint capability allows for setting the heating setpoint on a thermostat.

AttributesTypeUnitPossible Values
HeatingSetpointNumber°-460 - 10000

Thermostat Hold

The ThermostatHold capability allows for setting the hold on a thermostat.

AttributesTypePossible Values
ThermostatHoldStateEnumNoHold, TemporaryHold, PermanentHold, HoldUntil
ThermostatHoldEndTimeTime0:00 - 24:00

Thermostat Mode

The ThermostatMode capability allows for setting the mode on a thermostat.

AttributesTypePossible Values
ThermostatModeEnumAuto, Eco, RushHour, Cool, EmergencyHeat, Heat, Off

Thermostat Operating State

The ThermostatOperatingState capability gives the ability to see the current state that the thermostat is operating in.

AttributesTypePossible Values
ThermostatOperatingStateEnumCooling, FanOnly, Heating, Idle, PendingCool, PendingHeat, VentEconomizer

Thermostat Preset

The ThermostatPreset capability allows for setting the preset mode on a thermostat.

AttributesTypePossible Values

Tv Channel

The TvChannel capability allows for the control of the TV channel.

AttributesTypePossible Values

Ultraviolet Index

The UltravioletIndex capability gives the ability to get the ultraviolet index from devices that report it.

AttributesTypePossible Values


The Valve capability allows for the control of a valve device.

AttributesTypePossible Values
ValveEnumClosed, Open

Video Stream

The VideoStream capability allows for the control of the video stream.

AttributesTypePossible Values

Voltage Measurement

The VoltageMeasurement capability gets the value of voltage measured from devices that support it.


Washer Mode

The WasherMode capability allows for the control of the washer mode.

AttributesTypePossible Values
WasherModeEnumRegular, Heavy, Rinse, SpinDry

Washer Operating State

The WasherOperatingState capability allows for the control of the washer operational state.

AttributesTypePossible Values
MachineStateEnumPause, Run, Stop
WasherJobStateEnumAirwash, Cooling, DelayWash, Drying, Finish, None, PreWash, Rinse, Spin, Wash, WeightSensing, WrinklePrevent

Water Sensor

The WaterSensor capability gets the status off of a water sensor device.

AttributesTypePossible Values
WaterEnumDry, Wet

Weather Condition

The WeatherCondition capability gets the condition of the weather.

AttributesTypePossible Values
WeatherEnumClear, Cloudy, Fog, Hail, Thunderstorm, PartlyCloudy, Showers, Rain, Snow, RainSnow, Sunny, Windy, Haze, Exceptional

Wind Direction Measurement

The WindDirectionMeasurement capability allows for the ability to measure the wind direction.

AttributesTypePossible Values
WindDirectionEnumN, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW

Wind Gust Measurement

The WindGustMeasurement capability allows for the ability to measure the wind gust.


Wind Measurement

The WindMeasurement capability allows for the ability to measure the wind speed.


Window Shade

The WindowShade capability allows for the control of the window shade.

AttributesTypePossible Values
WindowShadeEnumClosed, Closing, Open, Opening, PartiallyOpen, Pause