
Defines a flexible grid area that consists of columns and rows. Child elements of the Grid are measured and arranged according to their row/column assignments (set by using Grid.Row and Grid.Column attached properties) and other logic.


BackgroundColorThe background color of the control.
ChildrenArrayThe collection of child elements within the panel.
ColumnDefinitionsArrayA list of ColumnDefinition objects defined on the Grid.
RowDefinitionsArrayA list of RowDefinition objects defined on the Grid.
HeightFloatThe suggested height of the control in dp pixels.
HorizontalAlignmentEnumThe horizontal alignment characteristics that are applied to the control when it is composed in a parent layout panel, such as a Grid.
MarginThicknessThe outer margin that is applied to the control when it is composed in a parent layout panel, such as a Grid.
RotationIntegerThe rotation about the Z-axis in degrees.
VerticalAlignmentEnumThe vertical alignment characteristics that are applied to the control when it is composed in a parent layout panel, such as a Grid.
WidthFloatThe suggested width of the control in dp pixels.
IsEnabledBooleanA value that indicates whether the user can interact with the control.
IsHitTestVisibleBooleanA value that indicates whether the contained area of the control can return true values for hit testing.
IsVisibleBooleanA value that indicates whether the control should be visible.
OpacityFloatA value between 0 and 1.0 that declares the opacity factor, with 1.0 meaning full opacity and 0 meaning transparent.

Attached Properties

Grid is the host service class for several attached properties. These attached properties enable child elements to report how they should be positioned in their Grid parent.

Grid.ColumnIntegerThe column alignment of an element when child layout is processed by a parent Grid layout container.
Grid.ColumnSpanIntegerA value that indicates the total number of columns that the element content spans within a parent Grid.
Grid.RowIntegerThe row alignment of an element when child layout is processed by a parent Grid layout container.
Grid.RowSpanIntegerA value that indicates the total number of rows that the element content spans within a parent Grid.


LoadedOccurs when the element is laid out, rendered, and ready for interaction.
UnloadedOccurs when the element is no longer rendered on the screen.